Well... Lemme say the good things first, as it'll be quick.

Combat is likeable, the Squall mechanic of a timed critical is really addicting, limit-breaks are really cool in general, and Squall's finishers are really good looking. GF skills are too, but they can get repetitive if you use a lot.

The game looks really nice compared to its predecessor. The cinematic feeling of playing through a cutscene is a blast, sometimes I got hypnotized by it that I forgot that I could play. Sometimes seems like I was playing a movie scene.

Soundtrack, as always, one masterpiece after the other. The intro CG does the job of making you want to know what it is all about, very well done, but sadly, the game is... Meh.

Ok let's go. I define this game as a compilation of really good ideas and concepts that if executed better, could turn to be one of the best final fantasy games ever, TO THIS DAY. But absolutely all of them were totally screwed, overcomplicated, poorly balanced, bad written, etc.

The Junction system takes the first and heaviest blame of all. It is quite fun to tamper with it as you go through the game so to eventually understand it, but when you do, you notice that your efforts were for nothing. The draw system makes it practically useless once you get to draw ultimas. The game turns into a joke, as does the junction system, more like Joketion System 🤡

The draw system seems like a good idea on paper, and I agree that, with some tweaks, it could turn out to be really fun, engaging and interesting to grind and do sidequests for, but unfortunately, its base is: take 100 of most of the spells in the game, and when you see a strong and rare spell, DRAW AND EXPLOIT THE SHIT out of it. Because the game is poorly balanced (which is ironic), you can powerlevel/powerdraw your whole playthrough so everything that you face is a complete joke. Once you can draw Ultima in Shumi and refine most badass spells, you're set for the rest of the game, even though it is progressively balanced WITH YOUR PARTY LEVEL. Yes, they knew it, and yet so, they couldn't stop the grinders from destroying every boss in front of them.
Everything in this system turns out to be futile once you get access to the rare spells so why bother even trying to do anyhting else? Just wait until then.

Haven't played Triple Triad, won't comment.

Story and characters are not completely void of meaning, but barely. Once again, good ideas, bad execution. The plot evolves to things that, not kidding, are incomprehesible, because the game just throws them at the player with no clue whatsoever of what it is all about. The villain doesn't know why they are doing that, it's really just the "to become god" thing, which is valid to some extent, but even that needs some kind of motivation, and Ultimecia lacks it. Squall is an irritating hero, spoiled and imature brat and the other characters are just bland. All their connections (orphan plot apart) are forced onto the player by the characters themselves and well... It leads to all the "love" events with Squall and Rinoa. They just lack screen time, emotional development, background development, all of it done in a smooth way so the player can feel the characters changing, moving, wanting and thinking about them. They could all learn with Laguna...

Laguna is the best part of the story (welp, that's easy). The reason why he needs to be a part of the ongoing narrative is ok (and pretty much what inspired nomura's time travel in Kingdom Hearts), but that aside, his personality, relationships and overall development are the best in the whole game. Not incredible, but much more enjoyable and believable than the others, which makes playing with him more enjoyable too.

I'd like to like this game, but for it to happen, it needs to be another game...

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
