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1 day

Last played

February 7, 2021

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Another World is quite simply magnificent.

This is the only version I have played, as I never played the original so this review will be purely based on my experience on the Switch.

That said, I personally think that this game is a practically perfect >1 hour adventure. Immersive, and with a wonderful colour palette, Another World truly transports you away and into the adventure feet first.

The control scheme works exactly as it should, with each step and jump landing exactly how it feels it should - so long as you take your time and step carefully! Much in the style of the more recent Super Meat Boy, Another World is a platformer that relies its progress largely on trial and error. This may sound exhausting, but similarly to the aforementioned SMB, Another World also provides regular checkpoints, combined with instant character reloads to make for a truly smooth trial and error format.

The puzzle component is also fantastic, requiring the player to take notice of all of the elements of gameplay and the information provided on screen to solve whatever puzzle of nuance the game throws at you next.

It's incredibly captivating, it never overstays its welcome, and plays exactly as it should, it would be hard for me to give Another World anything less than a perfect score.