This one didn't make me take a 4 month hiatus like the first game did. I actually quite enjoyed Years 5-7.

It does some good improvements over Years 1-4. I don't constantly hear a remix of the Harry Potter theme. The spells you unlock are more interesting. There are more trophies to earn and they are less tedious. Buying characters is easier and I don't have to scroll all the way to the end. Unlockables are easier and more satisfying. I like how there's a ghost in each area that'll tell you what you collected and what's missing. Ron isn't useless and has unique, cool traits.

That being said, there are some things Years 5-7 did worse than Years 1-4. There are now loading screens for some reason. Going from diagon alley to Hogwarts is a pain. A lot of levels seem filler. The boss fights are too long for a Lego game. The dueling was fun at first but when you have to do it 3/4 times a level it becomes a slog. This is the point where the movies start getting serious, but the stupid noises and jokes ruin any intensity. I know it's Lego but come on.

Overall, better than the first, but still a mediocre game.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
