In honor of the GTA VI trailer reveal, I wanted to return to GTA V and review it. I'll split the review into two, the story mode & the online because I have drastically different opinions regarding the two. When people say GTA V is good, I think about the Story mode. When they say GTA V is bad, the Online mode comes to mind. I am one of those people.

GTA V Online is very unique and cool but at the same time very bland and boring. The amount of customization is extraordinary. From the weapons, vehicles and properties, there's truly nothing like it (that I've played at least). The 4 heists are what I had the most fun playing. All the businesses are cool, but also very tedious and time consuming to manage. For the longest time, you had to go into public lobbies to manage them. Now, you can go into a private solo lobby. The problem with the businesses is that you need other players to help you, to minimize the grind. However, most people won't because they're not really getting anything out of it. So, you're kinda forced to do everything solo which can get really boring really quick.

GTA V Online has some cool missions, in concept. Actually playing them will put you to sleep faster than a tranquilizing dart. They always take place halfway across the map from where you're at. You could say the same about the story mode missions, but at least the characters and plot are interesting and really well written. In Online, your character doesn't speak (which I understand) and you're forced to listen to some of the weirdest dialogue over the phone. My favorite being a government agent talking about shoving his foot in a toilet full of shit. Everyone talks like a super energized immature 12 year old. Sometimes it's funny, often time it's annoying.

GTA 5 Online has to have some of if not the worst NPC programming. When driving, it almost seems as though the NPC are designed to crash into you or drive in a way so you crash into them. It's really annoying, especially with how frequent it is. To alleviate the frustration and fasten the pace, you could always take a helicopter or the Oppressor MK2. But I think that's kinda of lame considering how awesome the cars are. GTA V Online's terrible mission design makes the cars useless and a terrible investment. They're only there for show. Shooting NPC's is terrible because they deal so much damage and with perfect accuracy. You'll find yourself dying, a lot. The snack and armor system doesn't help you because you run through them fast and you have to go out of your way to go to the stores and restock. Again, very annoying. I've already mentioned the irrigating dialogue, but here's a quick reminder.

GTA V Online has so many griefers and tryhards to where I never play in a public lobby ever. As mentioned before, you used to need to be in a public lobby to manage your business. Imagine stocking your warehouse with 111 crates only to have some a-hole destroy it all. All that grind for nothing and this summarizes the GTA V Online experience the best. A complete waste of time.

GTA V Online is only fun if you play it once every 2 or 3 years. That way, there will be a lot of new content to experiment with. Playing this game every game and grinding the businesses is a total waste of time. The last time I played GTA 5 online was April 6th, 2022. I've had some fun returning to the game on December 10th, 2023, but got bored after only 2 days of playing. Safe to say, I'll never return to GTA 5 Online again and wait patiently for GTA VI in 2025.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
