Nice little Christmas gift from Santa Monica studios. They even got Santa in their name. Har Har.

Valhalla is a neat dlc for God of War fans and those enjoy its combat system. Nice character arc for Kratos. The boss fights are cool. My only problem is that if you die, you gotta start all over. Before the final boss, you got to go through 3 realms, fight one of Valhalla's chosen, fight a mini boss, then fight 6 more of Valhalla's chosen in Greece. After all that, you fight the final boss and if you die, you gotta do that all over again. Gets kinda long, tedious and repetitive. Thing is, you have to repeat that process a minimum of 3 times anyway because of story. Wish there was a checkpoint mechanic, but I guess that would defeat the purpose of what this dlc is supposed to be: a gauntlet run where you acquire resources and upgrades the more enemies you slay.

Overall, it's a fun dlc and one worth checking out, especially since it's free. It just gets a little repetitive.

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2023
