Note these are first impressions only. My opinion is likely change the more I play and as content gets updated because triple A live service multiplayer games aren't complete until 2 years after the initial release.

XDefiant has that same carefree, run and gun fast paced gameplay COD is known for. The playable characters are very similar to BO4's specialist. Weapon customization is identical to the gunsmith. There are currently 14 maps which is double what new COD games come out with. There are 5 gamemodes that are the exact same as COD just given a different name. Basically exactly what you think a COD clone would be like.

The main issue with COD is Activision's greed. Will XDefiant suffer from this same issue as well? Ubisoft is not as greedy as Activision, but they are more incompetent. However, I have a slither of hope they'll manage not to royally fuck up because this year's line-up of Ubisoft games doesn't look like total horse doodoo. It seems Ubisoft might be walking the path of redemption this year, but only time will tell.

Is XDefiant the COD killer? No, especially not when COD 2024 is going to be on gamepass. But the game is a lot of fun and is free unlike COD's egregious 90 CAD price.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
