It's quite difficult to evaluate this work. Truly an experience, but it's not an experience for everyone (mainly because it's a 旅ゲー). If you play it for the heroines, you will most likely end up a little disappointed. It's not that they're bad, but you have to keep in mind that this is a 2001 game, so their respective stories have aged somewhat poorly. This is especially exacerbated with fuyu/natsu, because I really couldn't connect with them at any point (to be fair, it's not entirely their fault, they just didn't have too much time to shine). In the end, this is a game that places more emphasis on execution. However, if you stick to the experience of traveling around Hokkaido, meeting new places and new people (learning along the way about their circumstances), the result is quite rewarding and enriching. The feeling of nostalgia will be a constant due to the protagonist's longing to find that "something" he needs (with special emphasis on how much the existence of "that" person (アイツ) impacted his life) and seeing his growth along the journey is just great.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2023
