As much as I love this game to death. Something isn't right, multiple times throughout my playthrough I felt like the game just wouldn't end.

There are just SO many puzzles here, and don't get me wrong, they aren't bad puzzles, sometimes they are hard puzzles, but they aren't bad puzzles, but, I assume that, because I was so curious and engaged with the plot I legit didn't have enough patience to go through them one at a time. I just HAD to see what was lying beyond them, and having to go through so many of them in succession really soured the experience. It almost feels like having such a good and detailed storyline is a detriment to the game, because it competes so fiercily with its other design elements. This game is better experienced one puzzle at a time, but hell if that would've settled well with past me and their interest in the plot.

Its weird, I'm not sure what I'm talking about here, because I feel such a weird way about this game. Again I love it to death, but I can't just ignore how dead inside I felt at certain points.

I'm absolutely going to play whatever Erasure cooks next tho. And I absolutely recommend this game to anyone who has enough self control to take their time with the game.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

Also word of advice, this game has 4 main campaigns, if you wish to go for everything like I did.