Log Status






Time Played

2h 20m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 24, 2024

First played

May 23, 2024

Platforms Played


Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is a short but charming peak into a single case of the titular Duck Detective, Eugene McQuacklin. A hardboiled down-on-his-luck duck trying his best to make rent. The case that falls into his lap is to uncover who exactly The Salami Bandit is and why they are causing such havoc to this out of the way bus station.

I loved this game. It's so charming and over the top. Constant jazz and a rainy moody atmosphere. Eugene has walked straight out of film noir and is stealing the show of every dialogue he's in. Sean Chiplock gives a fantastic performance and frankly everyone else in the supporting cast does as well. They completely sell the animal office workers they are portraying. And that's good because the bulk of the game is learning about this cast and all of their interpersonal drama and conflict. I think everyone will find a favorite in the bunch. I'd love to tell you mine but that'd be giving away part of the gameplay!

Deductions! One of the first things you have to do is find out the name of everyone in the office. Using deductions and details in your environment you'll pickup clues and useful information that helps you piece together the case.
This game is overflowing with details too. The office feels very lived in. My favorite detail is when you go into investigation mode and hover your magnifying glass over a suspect the part you're investigating gets a lot more detailed. Almost as if you're focusing and seeing them for who they actually are in that moment. It's so creative and adds a lot of character to Eugene. It's like the cartoony artstyle is how he views things at first glance, barely giving them the time of day, before he focuses in and gets serious.

The Duck Detective is a two to three hour game so I don't want to give too much away. If you're into sleuthing and mysteries it's easily worth the asking price for the quality of what you're getting. This case is worth seeing through to the end.

Eugene is a character I'd love to see more of so my biggest hope is we get more cases from the Duck Detective!