There's a lot to say about it. A proper review would be a full blown essay IMO, so this will be a bit long yet only a brief overview.

I had taken issues with the game's pacing, I personally roamed a lot and a lot in earlier chapters and extending beyond what the game's narrative recognizes. I reach Rhodes or Saint Denis then only later does the story introduce each town implying that it's my first visit. This ludo-narrative dissonance occurred frequently in other elements like mission resulting bounties that I easily pay off, but the story still states that I ought to avoid that town etc...
This compounds with some filler missions that prolong some chapters way too long for its own good, which affected me with a degree of fatigue. Although if there was only one thing that made me soldier on through it, it would be the story.

Now this narrative easily walks and picks a prime pedestal in the hall of fame, a best of all time in media overall. The struggle against the misfortune carried by time and agents of chaos, how it gives at times a matter-of-fact and unceremonious resolutions, and all too human motives and actions. I binged some westerns to hype myself for the game beforehand but RDR easily beats most of them without a sweat.
The characters, some polar opposites and some similar, and with our beloved Arthur Morgan make a fantastic cast. It is not to be told but to be seen.

Sequences whether in missions or in free roam are some of Rockstar's best strengths, from early on to the very end.

Music is a blend of the best western music I've ever heard and then more.

What bothered me might not bother you, and even though I'm far from a completionist I went up and beyond to enjoy the minutiae that only a few studios can partake in the effort let alone pull off. RDR2 is a monument of gaming and that can't be disputed.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2023
