Look I don’t wanna talk about this game longer than I want too, this game is NOT sonic 4, it’s an imitation of those games made to pander to your nostalgia without actually understand why those games worked.

This game is a guilty pleasure for me, it’s not great, I just think it’s neat and I love it. Not just because I’m a Spider-Man fan who doesn’t have a PS4/5 and wanted a substitute for it, I just think it’s a pretty good game in my opinion that deserves more love, I like the web swinging (even if the web rush carries it) the stealth, while a bit jank, is still pretty fun! But the cons do kinda outweigh the pros somewhat, asides from the rubbish story, the web slinging is kinda slow. The open world missions are just repetitive, and once the main campaign, the arcade machine challenge and Russian stealth missions are over with the game becomes boring, especially after you’ve seen every variant of the missions, the games biggest flaw is the lack of replay-ability and variety. And also that very weird morality bar thing, it’s supposed to make the game more interesting I guess but not really. So yeah. That’s my thoughts on this very flawed but underrated game!

Bowsers fury mode carries this entire port, base 3D world is still great though

Game peaks after labyrinth zone act 2, I still really like this game, I have an immense amount of love and respect for what this game has done for my life, I wouldn’t be the same

That’s it everyone! Mario kart has peaked! We can’t go higher!

My god Nintendo! You did not have to go all out with this! Like my god! This game is really the ultimate smash game, surpassing even smash 4! Sakurai, thank you.

This review contains spoilers

God I love this game, but some parts of it are a slog, mostly the knuckles/rouge stages, I liked them in SA1 but in this game the radar is nerfed, it’s just blatant padding, mad space and security hall can go die for all I care. But I really like the speed stages and shooting, shooting is fun (if you don’t mind that awful noise the gun makes while aiming) and the level design is really good (aside from a certain level) and sonic and shadow are easily the highlight of the game, with such great level design, it’s more linear than SA1 (aside from final rush) but it’s still great, rewarding you for exploration and skill! Easily one of my favourites that I keep going back to. Even the battle mode is pretty fun too.

Actual masterpiece of 3D sonic level design, nothing has topped it yet, classic sonic (while not bad like sonic “4”) is a downgrade from the classic games but still fun in his own right, this game is a celebration of the series in the purest way possible, the only thing bringing it down is the story (or lack there of) which means unleashed is still my favourite game in the series. But if the story was actually written well (or written at all) it would probably be my favourite in the series, still a 10/10 game though!