You know when you find 'that' game that touches you on a personal level? Well, that's how I feel about this game. Given the success and rise of games that follow this methodology, like Telltale's Walking Dead series or Heavy Rain, this subgenre of games, the 'narrative games,' has grown rapidly. Since its emergence with Heavy Rain, they have always captivated me, despite not having the means to play them and having to settle for watching others play.
As Dusk Falls is the first game of this genre that I actually played myself rather than just watching someone else play. I can say that it wasn't just a game for me; it was an experience that deeply impacted me—its moral dilemmas, characters, and even its storyline. Even though it doesn't bring major innovations to its genre, it still delivers one of the most emotional stories I've experienced, perhaps one of the best for its genre of game.
Something worthy of praise, and rarely found, are games where your choices REALLY alter the course of the story significantly. As Dusk Falls honestly stands out to me as the best game in this style that accomplishes this, creating profound dilemmas for the player that constantly test them with extremely difficult moral choices, as you're practically always playing with both sides of the coin—both the villains and the good guys.
But I think where this game truly shines for me is in Chapter 3, where Jay's relationship with his father is shown. Jay was a character I knew I would identify with (more than I'd like to admit) from his first appearance. Seeing the tumultuous relationship he has with his father, and how despite being hated, he still tries to forgive him for what he did to his own family, even though his father is a scoundrel who only thinks of himself, choosing to understand and respect him despite everything. After all, Jay's father was the only one in the Holt family who showed him any compassion during the game.
Perhaps because it's a short game, I got the impression that some loose ends were left aside throughout the plot, which could be a problem or not, depending on the developer's plans for a possible sequel—which I would love.
Overall, As Dusk Falls is incredibly good for fans of engaging stories with big twists and lots of tension.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
