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inbox reviewed Monster Trux: Arenas
this is literally the EXACT same game as Offroad eXtreme but with different models what the fuck was their problem

13 days ago

13 days ago

inbox commented on PZT's list PS2 Europe and Europe+Japan exclusives (mostly-all-English games that weren't released in America)
stormworks search and destroy shouldn't be here, the page for the real search and destroy gives a 404 for some reason?

13 days ago

inbox reviewed D-Unit Drift Racing
Everything in this game feels like being drunk: the copious motion blur, the soundtrack of weirdly dark trip hop and really badly cut up samples, the weightless sliding, the sense of speed that goes from snail's pace to uncomfortably dizzy in an instant after 5 seconds of acceleration, the broken skybox that makes it look like the moon/sun coming down to earth like Majora's Mask, the same buildings copy-pasted everywhere, the AI pathing forcing it to spin out and clip corners, the AI then being able to drive backwards and upside down after inevitably crashing...

It's safe to say this would be one of my favourite games ever if it was easily digestible, but the structure absolutely kneecaps the novelty and without that ethereal nature you just get stuck on "Wow, this driving feels really bad!". You have 4 tracks unlocked at the start, however 4 tracks really means 2 tracks with night and sunset variants. You earn ~250 credits for every race whether in a tournament or not, and every race is 4 minutes long. The manual says to "get new cars to unlock more tracks and tournaments", and thanks to the only decent review I can find, I know the first car doesn't unlock shit. That means if the next 2 cars are $10k or $15k... it'll take about 4-5 hours straight of pure grind to even see the next couple tracks? 4 hours of this could probably drive someone to commit a terrorist act.

I feel like this could be the most mysterious game (not including the Dingo Pictures canon) in the Phoenix Games library, which really says everything that needs to be said, doesn't it? maybe i'll try to hack my save and report back

13 days ago

13 days ago

inbox earned the Replay '14 badge

14 days ago

14 days ago

inbox reviewed Let's Minesweeper
an amazing concept that currently has the most broken chinese mobile game-style "first project in unreal engine" UI </3 will still probably buy on release

14 days ago

inbox backloggd Jet Set Willy

14 days ago

inbox reviewed Trolley Problem, Inc.
a game with "no right answers" that gets mad at you for choosing the wrong answer

14 days ago

14 days ago

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