This is my second time playing through this game. When I completed it back in 2019, I was more than done with it. The pace, the back tracking, that darn cat, all left me feeling fed up and pleased it was over, by the time I finished the game. It even took me a few attempts at the final boss, just because I was trying to rush it and get it over and done with.

It's something that's stuck with me since, and just starting the game up this time around felt like a chore. But I wanted to play a spooky game as it's that time of year. I enjoyed the opening hour or so, and I stuck with it. And something strange happened. I didn't stop enjoying it. Even the annoying back tracking bits were fun. I guess because I knew what was coming, it wasn't as frustrating this time around. I recall getting to the ancient Egyptian themed area the first time and being ready for the game to end.

When I got there this time around, I was so into it I didn't want it to end. Maybe I was just playing it to complete it back then, rather than enjoy the game. There's quite a few of the later stages that I really liked this time around, that I remember having really soured on before.

Even the goofy shit like Luigi absolutely shiting it whenever he sees something move or hears a noise, had me grinning like a fool, all the way to the end. Hoovering up stuff, collecting money, and ghosts, is a lot of fun. I had a great time, and glad I re-evaluated this, because up until last week when I started playing it again, I would not have recommended it. Now I'm quite the opposite. If you love all the silly bits, the toads, the almost self parody of Mario as well, you'll probably have a great time. Like some games, the forced back tracking and detours often feel unwelcome (Gears of War 4 springs to mind, one of the worst offenders), but if you didn't have these little diversions, the game would probably be an hour or two shorter. But given how much I enjoyed it this time around, I'm glad it was there. Its not to be rushed, it's to be savoured. I'm looking all the more forward to the remaster of 2 after playing this. It would be great if the first game got given the same treatment as well. The Nintendo GameCube remasters have all been brilliant so far.

That said, I do own them all on their original formats, but that would mean having to go to a different room. I'll wait...

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2023
