After watching a review for AW2, it mentioned how much it leans into a lot of the previous intertwining Remedy games, so I figured I would casually play them while I wait to be able to afford the new game.

My first experience with Alan Wake was a love hate one. I loved it at first, really bought into it and watched the little episodic shorts that accompanied it, but by the end of the game I was more than ready for it to be over.

Revisiting via the remaster was a better experience. I don't know if it's because my tastes or expectations had changed, but this didn't feel like half the slog it did when I first played it. I actually enjoyed it for the most part.

On average I played it a chapter at a time, as to not end up resenting it by the end like I did last time. Whereas the combat left me cold last time, it was the constant narration that was my bug bear with it this time around, but luckily that was interspersed with plenty of supporting characters. Barry was a hoot and the sherrif was pretty cool, too. The story felt like it was getting lost in its own maze, but infelt it really came into focus in the last couple of chapters.

The remaster looks great. I haven't played the 360 version in a good few years, so don't know how much of an improvement it is, but there were plenty of times I just had to take in that scenery. But then I'm a suckered for anything set in that kind of environment.

I'm not sure if I'm gonna hit the dlc just yet, I might save it as a bridge between the other games. Same with American Nightmare. I'll probably give Quantumn Break a go next. I did start that a few years ago, but despite actually enjoying it, I just stopped playing, but anyway, I like Alan Wake again now, I definitely appreciate it more these few years down the line.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
