An absolute delight to play from start to finish. 3D World is up there with my all time favourites, and Bowsers Fury is a fantastic treat to go along with it. The former is just compulsive, just one more go platform game heaven, with loads of replay value, from collecting all the stars and stamps, to the awesome little Captain Toad levels. Although I am still tonbeat Champion Road.

I live that little stage in the special stage section which is laid out like a vertical shoot em up. All sorts of different little touches like that really make up a satisfying experience.

Browsers Fury is a lot of fun, with its own little contained universe of platforming fun and the occasional kaiju dust up. One of the best Mario games.

And with that, I've come full circle and played every main Mario game (that I have, not counting the New series, which I actually like BTW, unlike a lit of folk on the internet recently for some reason, but I digress) that I own over the last month or so. It's been a great time and to play each title back to back and seeing the evolution of each title and the game experience as a whole has been nothing short of wonderful.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023
