I remember this being one of the first Xbox 360 games I pre-ordered. I was rather excited as I really liked Halo 3. What I got was not what I expected and I was quite disappointed as a result. It's not the straight forward run and gun action from the previous three games. You have to use cover and plan your attacks. And that's just wandering around the abandoned streets.

Fast forward 13 years and I'm giving it another go in the run up to Infinite. Obviously with you playing as normies you can't bound around, sprinting and jumping everywhere while fighting baddies. You're pretty much grounded. This time around, after immersing myself in Halo lore, I enjoyed this a lot more.

It's full of action but also has some quieter more introspective moments, which I actually thought worked really well. The way the story is pieced together and the music come together for some great moments.

Some of the missions you can fly through, some you have to take your time. Overall it's a great little spin off that I completed in the course of a few sessions.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2021
