Really enjoyed this one. Lots of influence from 4 behind it. The structure, the characters and the scares all hit the right notes for me. In terms of story, it's easily the best one since 4. Very entertaining, gory, grim, grotty... The 3 G's. Still not 100% sold on the switch to first person though as I liked the recent remakes better than this one, with 3 being a particular highlight.

Village has such a great atmosphere and it was cracking playing while it was actually cold and snowy outside. The Duke was a good lad too. Always a moment of respite and can be rather amusing at times as well.

Surprised to see how quick it took to get past certain areas that I'd seen in the prerelease hype and that, but it's still a big enough game with a lot to it. Certainly more entertaining than 7 which just felt miserable (but still a good game). I wonder if they're gonna stick with this style for 9?

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2021
