I kept seeing this pop up in the Xbox sales for next to nothing. I had played it briefly a few years ago when it was free with PS plus, but with it being a Souls like kinda game, I wasn't feeling it at the time. So having a couple of quid credit left over from getting other things, I thought I'd give this another shot. I'm glad I did, as once you get over the initial learning curve, things started getting exciting.

As with most games of this sub genre, progression is addictive. Figuring out enemies, felling massive bosses, and leveling up enough to plough through the baddies that used to give you a hard time becomes almost like a high. Every new section, every side quest and every time you move forward hits like a wave of euphoria.

I really enjoyed the world building and the lore with this as well. The characters were a little one dimensional, but everything surrounding them was interesting and it was nice revealing more background and other bits of info as you get further through the game.

As someone who liked but didn't love playing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, this feels like entry level access for the type of gameplay. It was still very challenging, as a few bosses took a few goes to understand the patterns, or just trying to avoid getting battered while you get a hit in.

I see this has had mixed reviews, but I really enjoyed it, and when I wasn't playing, I was planning out what I was going to do next and wondering where it'll lead.

As far as games go, you can do a lot worse for £2.50.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022
