Gotta say, this looks great in Series X. The enhancements make it look as good as many Xbox one games. Anyways, this was some good Gears action. When I first played this, I just ploughed through it. I didn't enjoy it and traded it in soon after. I think it was at the point in the 360s life when I just grew tired of shooting things in depressingly brown environments.

I enjoyed it much more this time around. Yeah it's still brown a lot of the time, although we get a nice tropical treat in the final act, and it does feel like it's going through the motions in the opening act. I was reading a bit about it and apparently this was most well received Gears on the 360? I guess people really did like dull and uninspired environments back then. But I guess the multiplayer was just as popular. I still never got into that myself.

As far as this stacks up, it's very enjoyable and it's an improvement on the first, which controls a little clunky these days (this was improved in the ultimate edition on xbone). I realise now that I have played this, 4 and 5 in reverse order so far this year. May as well dive into 2 next!

Reviewed on May 07, 2022
