A bit disappointed but I think that's because of my own expectations. I remember playing this on the display Saturn in Comet, absolutely thrilled that I was finally getting a go on one. I think it was on level 5. It really impressed me. But I think that's because it was the mid 90s and the transition to 32 bit machines was mind blowing for a wee me, and any sluggish, iffy controls were easily forgiven because it was the future.

And to be fair, when I got it for my Saturn as a grown up, the first few levels were quite enjoyable. Especially the opening. And much like this remake, it peaks really early. The first level seems like everything went into that to make it as enticing as possible, and as the game progresses, it just gets stale.

The lovely bright opening level soon makes way for many a dull environment and it grew quite tiresome very quickly. Luckily after finishing the game you are given the cheat code to unlock stuff like god mode and rapid fire, so you can mess about with that and enjoy some of the level design a bit more. Where it's not all brown and dull anyway.

It will be interesting to see if the rest of the series is afforded the same treatment, as I guess this is a very faithful remake. Pretty much a reskin of the original.

Fun in short bursts, and a nice treat if you finish it in getting some fun settings to mess about with, but definitely a product of its time.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2023
