Even after all these years, you can still get a great feel of how groundbreaking this game was. Just like Doom, going back to this is just as fun and exciting as when I first played it. If not even better because I'm not an idiot kid any more and I'm a lot better at this now.

I'm glad I've got a controller suitable for playing this on Switch (the retrobit tribute 64. I missed the boat on the official ones) as I gave it a go with the pro controller and wasn't a fan. I have this on Xbox as well, and although the controls and screen ratio were set up for modern systems as a preset in that version, it just felt proper playing this on the switch.

From the first level I was having a great time. The weapons, the enemy ai, the sound design and levels are all really well done. Well, most of the levels. One of my favourite aspects of this is how the difficulty settings determine how much of the game you explore and certain actions you need to take. Easy is often a case of get through the level without dying, with the occasional extra objective thrown in, but the higher the difficulty, the more you have to do. It could be something as simple as meeting a character or activating a switch, but usually these are in areas you wouldn't normally need to access if you are playing on a lower setting and it really adds more to the game if you want it. And on top of that you've got the target times for finishing levels which then unlocks bonuses. I haven't really tried that yet, although I did unlock DK mode without even trying.

I haven't tried the multiplayer yet, but to be honest, it was never the strongest aspect of the game for me. I played it with friends back in the day, and probably played it quite a lot if memory serves, but I always enjoyed the single player campaign more. And this time around was no different.

I'm already looking forward to trying to beat the game on the higher difficulty and trying to get the fastest times as well. I remember me and my friend achieving that back in the late 90s, though I'm not sure I'd have the patience now.

I've had a great time. I really appreciate this getting put on modern systems, albeit in a somewhat limited fashion. But it's stood the test of time. And I know it's not the best way to play it these days, but it's definitely one of the most convenient. It's even made me want to watch the film again (I probably won't)!

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2023
