I remember first hearing about this and wanting to play it for ages. But as we got spin offs, remakes and films, the desire waned somewhat. This semi-remake reignited my interest, but expectations were managed and it ended being as good as expected.

The story and characters were probably the weakest part for me. And also the character names. They really liked their long syllables in this, eh?

The combat was pretty decent once you got into the swing of things. Stringing attacks together and avoiding getting hit was a fun challenge and felt rewarding coming out of a fight unscathed. Otherwise the main bulk is just running from point a to point b.

The side missions were ok, but the sheer volume was ridiculous. I got to 30% and called it a day at that. They're all the same sort of thing just in different locations and it got extremely tedious, even pacing myself. I probably spent a good few hours on the side missions alone but felt like I was never progressing.

Fairly decent overall and a nice little treat for Final Fantasy VII fans at times, but otherwise, can be bit of a test.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023
