I purchased Gear.Club Unlimited on the Nintendo Switch at the weekend. It was definitely worth the 89 gold points I spent to get it, although something about its structure feels very mobile game. I've been on bit of racing thing recently and playing it made me realise something I normally say in jest but genuinely mean this time around. They don't make them like they used to.

OutRun C2C is a game I've wanted for years but I just never got round to it. A couple of months ago I finally bit the bullet and bought it off eBay. I'm absolutely glad I did because it turns out it's one of the most exhilarating racing games I've ever played, and goes to further prove, the genre peaked with the PS2. Yes, there's a lot of very good racing games on contemporary systems, but nothing can compare to the sheer fun and arcade style on offer here (see also Ridge Racer V).

From the fantastic visuals, excellent track design and awesome music arrangement, this game is just 100% fun. Incorporating the original aspects of OutRun, as well as building on the game modes, play style and overall presentation. It's not hyperbole when it's said this is one of the best arcade racing games ever made. This is sheer joy on a disc.

I almost marked it down for the game making you have the psp version to unlock everything that's on offer, but I can't be mad when it's already this good before you get to in game unlockable items. And heck, I'm tempted to buy a psp with this on it anyway, just to get even more of a fix. If only I didn't sell mine 15 years ago. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2023
