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A real rollercoaster. One minute it's up, the next it's down. I really like the premise of this, but unfortunately, some of the individual chapters just didn't interest me, and it didn't give you much time to warm to the characters, or much in the way of dialogue in some instances. At times I just found myself rushing through to get to the end because I'd had enough.

And then I'd unlocked the bonus chapter. It really started coming into its own and took some really dark twists and turns. And following that, we had the convergence of characters and how they were all connected, and then it really felt like a proper RPG. I spent more time playing the final two parts than I did with all of the preceding chapters put together.

At times I almost gave up. The prehistoric part started off fun but became a real grind, as did the distant future. I enjoyed the aesthetic of the near future chapter, but the terrible character really put a damper on it. The rest were quite good, although the shinobi section did push its luck. I think my favourite of the base chapters was the western. Probably because I'm a fan of the genre and it was nice to play as a cowboy in an RPG.

The end really makes up for the chore of getting there, but it shouldn't have to. I spent 10 hours convincing myself to stick with it, and even then it was touch and go. I saw the credits roll on 3 different endings, 1 bad, 1 ambiguous, and 1 good. I was ready to call it quits with the bad ending, but I couldn't let it lie. I'd come this far.

Gripes aside, it is nice to play, with the visuals yielding obvious comparisons to Octopath Traveller (although I prefer the way the camera focuses on Octopath, and it's a better game).

It was nice to finally play this after being curious about it for many years and I appreciate it was finally localised. I'm not sure I can honestly recommend it if you're not into jrpgs or lots and lots of dialogue between characters you get little time to warm to, however.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2023
