Grade D: Boring

Not much to be said about this game because soon after starting I realised this is not something I can bear playing, but here are some points I jotted down. Treat these as first impressions:

+ Unique treatment of an often-forgotten Slavic mythology. Although there are AAA games that deal with Slavic myths (such as The Witcher series), they are reinterpreting these stories to fit another fantasy world and its rules. This plays a lot more like an exploration of a Slavic mythological world than a Slavic-inspired fantasy world. More like God of War.

- Sadly, atrocious artstyle. Yes, art is subjective, but so are reviews. My subjective opinion is that it was off-putting.

I will have to return to this game sometime in the future to revisit it in more detail.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
