A perfectly serviceable entry in the New Soup lineup, which is enjoyable to play but the main gimmick ends up rather confusing. It’s all about collecting as many coins as possible, but in the end all that does is having you get showered in 1-ups. What’s a hundred coins worth anymore when there’s millions all over the stages? When does the little ‘bling’ of collecting coins turn boring when you realise that the game does nothing creative with them besides giving you a ton more than usual? A shop to use your crazy amount of coins could’ve been nice, or levels that unlock after a certain amount of coins has been collected, but as it is, it’s a boring gimmick that doesn’t bring much variety with it. The game underneath that gimmick is about as good as any other New Soup game, but that’s not much to write home about.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
