The battle system gives so much more freedom than the first one, the worlds are much more expansive... and none of it felt exciting or fun. During the entire adventure, I asked myself why it is that it seemingly improves upon the first one but somehow it just feels less fun to play.

All I could come up with is that a lot of charm was lost, and we are left with a game that seems more like the annoying and unfunny side of the rabbids is peeking out, where the first one essentially made them bearable and even endearing. There was a lot more humour that worked in the first one because none of the characters could speak, whereas here it seems the very act of giving BEEP-O a more prominent role with voice acting means a lot of that charm was lost immediately, in favor for a lot of verbal jokes that just aren't funny.

The battles in the first one where more interesting because there was a good balance to it all, here it doesn't take much effort to just break the game in half with the right sparks.

A very big disappointment after how pleasantly surprised I was by the first one. It's a huge step down, though it's in a lot of smaller ways so that it isn't easy to tell at first glance what it's even missing that the first had in spades.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
