This game is a good game with new and innovative ideas held back by greedy requirements having to be met by corporations and restrictions placed upon it by Nintendo's hardware. Going into this game, be prepared to remain anywhere from 15fps to 30fps on a good day. The Pokémon concepts in this game were cute, but not standout, and I actually prefer the previous gens new mons. The music is okay but never outstanding at any point, and the new terastilization concept is cute but meaningless in the end other than the type change, which cannot really be taken advantage of until the post-game. Honestly, I felt this game was polarizing, because I enjoyed it due to it simply being Pokémon. Sometimes, I felt there were many poor decisions made, such as no level scaling or proper guide map on the overworld. Being able to tackle what you want when you want is great... until you realize that nothing is scaled to your level, meaning if you jump into gym 4 at some point you may be heavily over leveled or under leveled and sweep the match. I thought it silly that the game allows you to do anything, as it doesn't really, it still holds your hand through its level caps and mission requirements. I would prefer if the game were still formulaic, and maintained a pattern of Gym, titan, star battle, gym, titan, star battle, etc... to keep you at pace with the game. It is not fun to accidentally stumble upon a team star match and get through 15 min of gameplay only to have a boss being 15 levels over yours and sweep your team. On the other hand, area zero was great, the conclusions to all three of the branches of the story were pretty touching, and the titan bosses were a great concept entirely! It was fun to see massive Pokémon taking over the overworld. The concept of ancient Pokémon and the time machine was great too, with the new paldean versions of Pokémon being pretty great. Koraidon is a much better legendary than the legendary dogs from the previous gen, and raid battles were a good time. Ultimately, it's an okay Pokémon game, that is held back by the lack of quality or polish placed in this game. Oh yeah, also pop-ins and screen tears are extremely common.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
