TLDR: Too many bugs, but still fun with friends.

As much as I admittedly enjoyed this game, I couldn't in good conscience actually recommend it to anyone because of how buggy/janky the game is. Normally I wouldn't care about bugs if the devs had any plan on fixing them, but considering the fact that the sequel to this game has been released, I don't think they plan on fixing any of these.

The bugs include but are not limited to:
-Sometimes you just respawn with 0 hunger 0 water and 0 health, and the plane will be empty, making it near impossible to get your items back in a reasonable amount of time.
-Sometimes you just die. For no reason, you just die.
-Sometimes when you die in certain areas your items are softlocked in an area which you cannot get to without the items you died with.
-Sometimes items will just not spawn where they are supposed to.
-Sometimes player built structures will randomly explode.
-Sometimes when you're bleeding out you instantly bleed out.
-The entire VR experience is basically unplayable.
-You can glitch to the endgame immediately.
-The map and journal will randomly reset, deleting all your written progress.
-Vision in caves is painfully dark (I recommend you turn down your contrast)

There are more bugs than this but I will stop now. Many of these bugs are game ruining, or possibly game ending. I will say that this game can still be fun with friends and I thought that this game was pretty enjoyable, but likely would not be if playing solo. The story was good, the atmosphere was also good (albeit ruined by the bugs a lot), and the core gameplay was pretty addicting.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2023
