Not really a fan of the AVGN humour, but this is actually a pretty decent platformer on its own merits. Very solid controls and physics that make the tightest of platforming challenges feel safe. All the levels are nice and varied with their own obstacles and challenges. You've got your standards like ice level, some less standard but still common like fantasy world or candy land, then there's Beat It and Eat It which...could only exist in this game.

Playing on normal was a pretty good balance of difficult but fair; rarely did I feel like the game was throwing unavoidable BS at me. Even the last level which feels like it is unfair at first can be breezed through when you know the layout. But of course if you want to experience the game with the frustrating limits of games of old that the AVGN himself tends to play, there's options for that.

My main gripe when playing on normal is that the lives carry over between levels, when in reality starting a level with 10 lives is pointless if you're as bad as me because you want all 30 of them to make it to the end. Considering normal mode had infinite continues I see no reason to not just reset the lives between levels but it's a minor thing.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2021
