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Some really pretty art and a solid dreadful soundtrack but it's also riddled with such an inconsistent tone and writing that makes it really hard to enjoy. it starts off really interesting and some of the visuals and ideas are terrifying and dreadful and it does attempt to explore this character's pain, but it becomes so redundant and the pacing doesn't do any of this pain justice. You hear the same thing over and over again the same inconsistent conversations yet you learn so little about this character that it becomes difficult to empathize with her outside of the usual, "wow this character is definitely mentally ill!" without much substance to that character. The first game, while also imperfect, nails the metaphors and the perspectives to make a really short meaningful experience. It created an ambiance and left you with something other than just a visual novel about a girl who needs help. it tries to be nuanced and respectful but it comes off so half-baked like it's feeding into it's own ego, it has nothing to say other than how much of a struggle her life is to live.

Every ending is such a struggle to get to as you skip and skip and skip through the same dialogue where your choices don't matter until you need to play the pace-breaking point and click game that loses it's charm after the first playthrough. Some of the endings do have some interesting ideas I especially like how one of them reflects the original game but once again it's nothing more than abstract metaphors that don't really get anything across. Sit and scroll through the screen as her face changes, sit and scroll through the screen while the same pizza metaphor is used, sit and scroll while the same pointless dialogue of how she's in so much pain that the game has no answer to. It's not even nihilistic in it's message or optimistic of change it's simply just unhinged unfinished pain.

I think despite my criticisms and negative feelings towards the game it is worth experiencing and there is value in a lot of what it showcases but I can't say I enjoyed my experience with it.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2024
