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Clonkk earned the Replay '14 badge

7 days ago

Clonkk reviewed Still Wakes the Deep
Still Wakes The Deep, despite having what I think is a pretty stupid and mid title is actually quite an enjoyable experience that I hope more people get to experience and aren't put off by the title. The game has incredible art direction and is very appealing to fans of lovecraftian horror or games like Dead Space and Resident Evil.
The oil rig setting is great and the atmosphere of the tight corridors and leaking pipes does very well for a horror game. The creatures designs are awesome and are very reminiscent of the creature from Carrion. I also want to point out the oil textures and how they fuse with the flesh to create something genuinely unique looking and not just another Resident Evil looking creature. This goes for the environments aswell, the game is stunning. The writing is also something I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. While the story is pretty straight forward, I felt a connection to the characters that is alot more than you can say about most horror games.
Onto the negatives, the games structure is very linear, which isn't bad, but with the lack of gameplay elements it does tend to feel like just walking in a straight line with a few levers to pull. I won't spoil any sections but the hiding from the monster parts are pretty short and a tad janky from my experience so it doesn't have the same level of fear that other horror games like Alien Isolation can pull off. It also doesnt give the game much replay value but thats alright for a 4 hour game. With all said I'd still recommend the game if you think it looks cool, it was definitely my type of setting, but the gameplay keeps it from truly standing out amongst its horror game competitors.

7 days ago

Clonkk finished Still Wakes the Deep
Still Wakes The Deep, despite having what I think is a pretty stupid and mid title is actually quite an enjoyable experience that I hope more people get to experience and aren't put off by the title. The game has incredible art direction and is very appealing to fans of lovecraftian horror or games like Dead Space and Resident Evil.
The oil rig setting is great and the atmosphere of the tight corridors and leaking pipes does very well for a horror game. The creatures designs are awesome and are very reminiscent of the creature from Carrion. I also want to point out the oil textures and how they fuse with the flesh to create something genuinely unique looking and not just another Resident Evil looking creature. This goes for the environments aswell, the game is stunning. The writing is also something I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was. While the story is pretty straight forward, I felt a connection to the characters that is alot more than you can say about most horror games.
Onto the negatives, the games structure is very linear, which isn't bad, but with the lack of gameplay elements it does tend to feel like just walking in a straight line with a few levers to pull. I won't spoil any sections but the hiding from the monster parts are pretty short and a tad janky from my experience so it doesn't have the same level of fear that other horror games like Alien Isolation can pull off. It also doesnt give the game much replay value but thats alright for a 4 hour game. With all said I'd still recommend the game if you think it looks cool, it was definitely my type of setting, but the gameplay keeps it from truly standing out amongst its horror game competitors.

7 days ago

Clonkk finished Unpacking

9 days ago

Clonkk is now playing Unpacking

9 days ago

Clonkk earned the Shreked badge

9 days ago

Clonkk earned the Years of Service badge

9 days ago

13 days ago

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