Playing portal 1 again after portal 2 came out (which i have done many times) makes the game feel like a proof of concept tech demo for Portal 2. This is not a bad thing btw, just that everything that this game does is improved and innovated on in the sequel for the better. I still have a huge wave of nostalgia for this game, all thanks to my dad, who was and still is a huge fan of valve's games and let me play his copy of the orange box.

I cant talk about this game without mentioning one of the best villains ever made. GLaDOS was and still is the best part of this game, such a well written villain. Her suspicious, unemphatic but witty dialogue is extremely memorable and, imo, the main driving force for you to complete the game so that you can understand who she really is and what her motives are. Though, here's my hot take: i don't really like her design in this game. She got a real upgrade in 2.

The level design really shines in the puzzles, valve did a really good job teaching you how to use your portals while not forcing you into difficult situations early on. I still find the puzzles to be really easy but i have beaten this game multiple times so maybe it's just me.

There's a lot of other things about this game that i like that i can briefly mention: Still Alive is still one of my favorite ending songs and shows the incredible vocal range that Ellen McLain has, the hidden lore details spread around the puzzles and escape sequences really adds to the world-building (i really like portal's story) and the turrets are adorable. I think it's short length makes this game really replayable to me as well.

Overall: Portal 1 still holds up really well even against it's way better sequel.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024

1 Comment

2 days ago

im doing science and im still alive!!