I decided recently that, since I was on a Shmup kick, I really should brush up on Cave's games. I've always heard from trusted sources they are The Ones, and my experience with them has been sparse at best.

After quick blasts on a few of them, Mushihimesama (1.5, specifically) proved to be the one that stuck with me most. I know many people say DoDonPachi Ressurection is they're fav, but I just want to make a case for Mushi in case you've ever tried DDPR and bounced off.

It goes without saying, hopefully, but all the Shmup trappings are there, obviously. Bullet Hell patterns remain the order of the day. I'd come from Shmups with smaller hitboxes on the player, so that took a bit of adjusting too, but it truly is fantastic once you hit a flow with it

The soundtrack is wall to wall BANGERS (again, specifically, the 1.5 version. The original music is a bit flat comparatively) and the enemy and world design is ace. Horrible wee bug bastards in a honey I shrunk the kids style world, and huge gnarly insect bosses are absolute top notch stuff, much more fun than just "is a spaceship"

Anyway, this is on switch now (though at time of writing, still awaiting an EU release that is "coming soon") and I can't recommend it enough. Good, hot, Shmup action baby.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2021
