God, MOBAs. I love and detest mobas in equal measure, man. They are horrible wee toxic pits of stink, 40 minute forays into the rancid depths of sportsmanship and teamwork. On the other hand, they are as close to the feeling of team sports as games have to offer.

Sorry, my bona fides here are that I've played an absolutely fuck tonne of Heroes Of Newerth and LoL over the past decade. I finally kicked the LoL habit cause it was genuinely making me into a horrid cunt, and I was missing out on playing plenty of much better games whilst playing it.

Anyway, Pokémon Unite is good. It doesn't have text chat. It's simple enough to pick up really quickly. It has all the fun of great team play, but about half of the depth of a """"real"""" moba. And it's not stinking with horrid Free to play shite.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2021
