Se tornou meu jogo favorito, um amigo me recomendou ainda no acesso antecipado, compramos e jogamos enquanto ainda estava em beta e adoramos. Depois que lançou, encontramos um novo amigo pra jogar que é ♥♥♥♥♥♥, durante meses de jornada, enfim chegamos no final. Dracula, o rei imortal realmente é o boss mais dificil, durante 3 dias lutamos e nos preparamos. Quando enfim matamos, quase chorei

It became my favorite game, a friend recommended it to me while it was still in early access, we bought it and played it while it was still in beta and we loved it. After it was released, we found a new friend to play with who is ♥♥♥♥♥♥, during months of journey, we finally reached the end. Dracula, the immortal king really is the most difficult boss, for 3 days we fought and prepared. When we finally killed, I almost cried

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
