Casino 1978

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Casino, which would have been more accurate if it was titled Card Game, is a collection of three games - blackjack, five card stud, and solitaire poker, programmed by, you guessed it, Bob Whitehead. Its funny that they went to the well this quick with another blackjack game because it functions very similar to the standalone Blackjack game, but its better looking and the inclusion of the two poker games would have made it a much better choice for your bored parents in 1978.

The poker games are the better part of the package, and even though its a four player game it is sort of unwieldy the way it handles it considering you are all looking at the same screen. This ends up making Poker Solitaire the most entertaining portion of the cart but in the 70s all there was to do is gamble, experiment with drugs, and listen to prog rock so Casino ended up serving a purpose.