Well no one's written a review for this game so I guess I will...

Don't play this game.

I liked Kimulator Films' first game "Totally Normal Journey: The Interactive Musical." Sure, it's really just a choose-your-own-adventure movie with limited choices, but Kimulator Films is not some big company. It's a guy and his girlfriend making youtube content. To expect something larger would be kind of ridiculous, and it felt like there was some dedication put into it. Some of the songs were fun and it was "animated" (That's in parenthesis because the animation really boiled down to people being filmed doing limited movement with like a drawing filtered over them).
"I'm in Love With Your Dead Grandmother" however feels like it was made in a single week. A day for a script, and day for filming, and other 5 days for coding it together. every choice felt easy to pick, and I feel like every other choice would either loop me back to the main story thread somehow or just game over me back to the choice to make the right one now. I feel no dedication for this game, and now I fear Kimulator Films is speedlining these tiny "games" as just a quick way to make money off a few people who find them and think "That sounds weird but hey it's only $5."

It took me 15 minutes to get the platinum trophy, so maybe if your obsessed with trophy collecting it might be a deal for you.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
