An excellent action RPG with lots of different alternatives for character builds. Combat has a lot of depth to the point that to this day I keep finding videos of people doing amazing things that I had no idea about after almost 100 hours of play time. All the critters who want to make your life hell can be defeated easily with the right knowledge.
A major mechanic that differentiates Dragon's Dogma is the ability to climb onto large enemies to reach their weak spot, assuming you don't have ranged weapons or magic. This isn't only extremely fun, but also effective.
There's also the pawn guild where you can recruit pawns from other players for your party. Paws are basically slaves, but don't feel bad for them because I don't think they have a will of their own.
Finally, I think the setting is sort of derivative, but also charming. I like Gransys, the forest, the plains, the mountains, the dark caves that hide unknown dangers and the beautiful music that follows you at every step.
This game is so good that not only do I recommend it, but I wish I could play it for the first time again.
By the way, they only give you a single save slot. That's bullshit.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2022
