Lost Technology is an anime RTS game, not a lot of those. On that note, gameplay is equally unconventional, but it's actually quite simple, just pick a formation, right click to move and click on skill macros when you wanna use them. The rest is basic strategy, like exploiting choke points and corners in the game map, flanking, positioning, etc.
Each faction only has access to a few units at first, but you can recruit units belonging to other factions by hiring named characters. These officers can become very powerful after gaining enough experience and come with unique abilities and passive bonuses for their squad, some of them also play a role in the story which is unique to each faction.
On the topic of story, some campaigns have alternate routes too. As an example, the Reinald Empire is corrupt and ruled by a puppet leader so instead of playing normally and conquering the world with them you can also just let the empire die and play the rest of the game as a mercenary for the Knights of Cunitz. I honestly find this kind of insane.
Finally, Lost Technology is actually the paid localized version of a free Japanese game and it's currently incomplete at the time of writing this review because several faction story lines are missing, but the game has more than enough content to justify the measly $5 price tag in my opinion, unless you speak Japanese of course.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2022
