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How Fish is Made is a short, surreal walking simulator. After finishing the game 3 times I think most of the elements in it hold some significance beyond aesthetics, which are pretty good too by the way, but you can experience that for yourself.
This is also the first time I've seen a tongue-eating louse in a video game, a real life parasite that permanently replaces the tongue of its host, and performs musical numbers apparently.
Fun fact: this little critter in particular must be female because males attach to the gills instead of the tongue, although apparently some species are protandous meaning they can change from male to female under certain conditions so it might not have always been that way.
If I had to mention a negative aspect about the game it would be that, being a walking simulator, it's not very interactive all things considered, but I guess that's my fault since I chose to play the game in the first place despite the tag.

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2022
