Log Status






Time Played

13h 30m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 2, 2024

First played

June 27, 2024

Platforms Played


This game exudes style. Amazing soundtrack, it is really fun to just drive through the city streets with the radio blaring. Memorable characters, especially the protagonist and a beautiful map. The story is half decent and kind of standard but it is so fun to roam around in the world while doing the missions. It has some really cool mechanics like the perks forcing you to play in a way you might not have but it was really sad that the sabotage mechanics weren't pushed more deeply. I think it would have really set it apart from others as it would've been so fun to do things like sabotaging the power to make stealth easier or sabotaging turrets and ammo crates to blow up when used. It was kind of repetitive to blow up things mostly towers and vehicles and it couldve been fun if there were other ways to take over bases and use different explosives. The game has some pretty fun weapons too but it only lets you carry two at a time which is sad if u want to try out rpgs or flamethrowers but also carry some normal weapons. I think it could have also benefited with a wider variety of side missions and would've loved deeper customisation like outfits for the protagonist or your rebel bases and cars. It is a testament to how the gameplay loop was still fun without all this as the Saboteur still remains a very good game. It has such high potential for an amazing sequel but fuck EA.