Arkane are masters of the 7/10 stealth shooter. Somehow, skipping the live-service game they were presumably forced to make by publishers, they have only ever released 7/10 games. It's honestly impressive.

The good news, this game is jank. It's one step removed from Deus Ex in how clowny you can get with the engine, there's a fine layer of "this doesn't feel like it works right..." to basically every element of the game, in a good way. This, combined with the almost Hitman-like approach to level design makes the game actually do a good job of creating your fun as you pilot your clown of an assassin through each level.

The bad news is like, everything else. One thing I've come to truly hate in games like these is the pacifism v violence conflict. This game is basically screaming at you to be a nice guy and play pacifist stealth, but its just so dumb because in like every stealth shooter, you end up not using a solid 60% of the game mechanics, doubly so in this game because using your cool mobility in combat would be sick as hell! If you were incentivized to do so in any case.

The story is some nonsense about like revenge idk it doesn't matter--Hitman don't need a story beyond the levels either. It tries to do something slightly deep by making the non-lethal options for the bosses of each level fates worth than death, but its really hard to care when no one has any personality and they all look like shit lol.

I don't even think the setting is particularly cool, it just feels like a dingy city with mild steampunk aesthetic and a random elder god watching it. Which like, the literal last game I played was Sona-Nyl of the Violet Shadows and buddy--this ain't no Sona-Nyl.

idk there isn't much to talk about. Do you like 7/10 stealth shooters? That's what this is!

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2024
