Utterly baffling how much the ball was fumbled with this. Most of the pass is a mixed bag that are nearly all massive downgrades from their survey concept art outside of Cerberus, and frankly that's me being biased. The quote-unquote story is nothing, more than it's ever been before and it's been made clear thanks to outside sources that it's because Epic and eternally head-up-ass Tim Sweeney care more about their "metaverse" than creating something truly cohesive, leading to a studio that's clearly stretched too thin and with priorities all over the place. The crossovers taking precedence over the actual Greek god theming of the season to the point of removing core weapons and items for most of the season because of their inclusion continue to appall me, alongside the increasing hikes in prices of everything. I cannot believe the Star Wars pass costed as much as it did for useless Lego crap that few care about and a Chewbacca skin.

The map wasn't even really made that much better like I was expecting and hoping for. There still aren't enough points of interest spread across the map, and I really don't think taking out the majority of the snow biome to replace it with another grassy field (but this time it's yellow) was a good idea. The Underworld and Mount Olympus are cool areas, but there's also the whole other issue of retroactively making Season 1 POIs worse by removing the bosses and NPCs that used to wander them. Walking to locations like Oscar's mansion or Fencing Fields and just discovering that their vaults are always open with essentially nothing in them is such a joke. You can't tell me this multi-million dollar studio couldn't have figured out a way to balance out the old bosses and their medallions with the new ones, or even just giving a different reward entirely. Chapter 5's map doesn't feel like an evolving breathing world like previous maps nailed.

Rocket Racing is a little better thanks to more visual variety in the maps but the core game is still aggressively flat and uninteresting. LEGO Fortnite still hasn't changed any of the core world generation issues I have that sour the experience, even if I do think the actual Star Wars event stuff was actually kind of cool! Credit where it's due! But Festival truly shocked me with how awful the Riffmaster and Pro mode launch was handled. Embarrassing to the highest extent.

sorry for jinxing it by having any hopes on a live service game guys lol

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
