I originally started playing Shovel Knight: Shovel of hope way back in 2017. I made it a few hours into the game, but I set it aside with no plan to go back to finish it. The main reason I gave up on it was because I grew tired of losing a good portion of the money I had gathered in a level every time that I died.

In late 2021 I was in a bit of a rut with what to play next, so I decided to give Shovel of Hope another change. I booted the game up where I left off, and after a few lousy runs I had relearned the controls and found myself having an absolute blast.
Shovel of Hope has so many great elements that add up to make it one of the greatest indie games of all time. First, the graphics. Yacht Club Games nailed the retro aesthetic here, and everything has such a cohesive look throughout. World and enemy designs are great, as are the bosses. The soundtrack was spot on too and I really loved listening to it throughout my play through.

The gameplay is what you would expect from a retro platformer too, being challenging but not impossible. The checkpoint system is a nice touch too, allowing you to not have to start all the way back at the start if you die. The challenging nature of the gameplay often lead to some moments of frustration, but I always felt these moments were due to my own mistake, not because the game was being unfair. This was apparent in the incredibly well-designed boss fights which often seemed ridiculously challenging, but after a few deaths I always learned their mechanics and was able to take them down with relative ease.

Additionally, to round out the package as a whole, the game has incredible writing. I really liked how all the characters had quirky personalities and the writing style was actually quite funny. I love how these personalities were further fleshed out in other games in the Shovel Knight series too.

I really have nothing bad to say about Shovel of Hope. It has one of the best retro aesthetics of any modern-day platformer. The gameplay is challenging and often times frustrating, but it always feels fair. Its humorous writing, its interesting and well-developed characters, and its truly unique game world make for a truly charming adventure. This is a must play indie game that I cannot recommend enough.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2022
