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Time Played

15h 4m

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


It was fun… but flawed… and it died.

Gotham City Imposters was a call of duty clone, first person shooter with some grapple mechanics. This game worked much like regular call of duty where you’d play as people dressed as batman and people dressed as joker and shoot at each other in game modes like Team Death Match or Capture the Flag. There wasn’t much of a story to this game nor a point really other than to be a humorous DC universe FPS game. The base gameplay wasn’t terrible and actually pretty easy and fun, but it had some pretty horrendous match making problems where my friends and I would get separated often or put against people that were noobs and much lower levels than us (not that we were crazy high-level players we didn’t play this very long) and sometimes the game lobby would just crash. We got bored with this game fast considering it had limited game modes and no single player or co-op stuff to do and I think that’s what happened to a vast majority of people who tried this free to play game because this game was shut down a few years later. Weird games like this feel like something I dreamed up and not like an actual real game, like who green lit this and why did it get made? Who was this for? What Target audience? I guess kids that like DC but also play call of duty? A very strange idea that ultimately failed but it wasn’t terrible, if it had better match making id say its about an average multiplayer experience but in the state I played it in which was a month or so after launch id give it a 4.5/10