Spooky, Goofy, Weird and Frustrating

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X is a port of the Dreamcast Code Veronica. The game Follows Claire after the Events of RE2 still looking for her brother Chris and brings her to Rockford Island 3 months after the events of Raccoon City. It’s a nostalgic game from another era but honestly even for its time when I played it this game has some big problems. Don't get me wrong, at heart I love Code Veronica and want this game to get a “RE2 remake style remake” as much as the next guy but looking at this version and taking off the nostalgia goggles this game has some issues, I'm going to go over.

Gameplay: This is Technically the real Resident Evil 4 or 3 depending on how you look at it as it pushes the story forwards. This is a more hard-core survival horror game with no hand holding, no directions on where to go and fixed camera angles. You have to manage a limited inventory and saves, and the controls are classic Tank controls. It can be fun to progress though if you know this series and what you are doing but there are some huge glaring problems in the gameplay. This is definitely one of the harder RE games to beat as it has some really awkward boss fights that are not just difficult as hell but almost impossible if you don't bring the right ammos and guns with you to certain parts. The worst boss is the boss on the plane, if you don't bring a grenade launcher or flame arrow rounds with the crossbow you will probably have to restart the game or jump back a lot of saves. This is a theme in these games that if you don't have enough health and ammo you gotta restart but this game its very specific and can seriously screw you over big time. There's also a segment or two where you switch to Chris and then Back to Claire and if you don't leave some of your items in the Item box then you will probably get stuck and unable to continue late in the game, like I said a lot of design flaws in the levels.

Graphics, Music & Voice Acting: The atmosphere and Environment in this game is certainly interesting and I could see this game being one of the best ones if it were reimagined in the “RE2 remake style remake” like they have been doing but it’s definitely aged poorly. The returning characters are pretty great, but I’ll be honest the new supporting character Steve is essentially a child in a young adult’s body. His voice acting is pretty rough, in general the voice acting is pretty bad which was the case in all of these games back in the day, One of the villains Alfred's voice acting is so bad at points you might find it physically painful to sit though or just hilarious.

Story/ Minor Spoilers: Basically 3 months after the events of RE2 Claire goes to different umbrella facilities around the world looking for Chris and gets captured. She is then brought to Rockford Island where this first and part of the 3rd act of this game takes place. She teams up with another captive named Steve and they get sent on an autopilot plane to a secret Antarctic base where they are captured again. You then replay though both areas looking for her as Chris. I could see this game as a modern remake being one of the best ones but between the bad acting and bad level design this game isn't in my top 5 for Resident Evil games. Also did I forget to mention the Villain or Villains are really cringy and weird? I can’t say much without spoiling it but their whole story is enough to make anyone with a brother or sister uncomfortable let’s just say that. There are some upsides to this game as well like seeing Chris and Claire reunited and having Wesker return is all awesome but this game has aged graphics, bad voice acting, bad dialogue, Awkward and sometimes very difficult level design that wasn't great even for its time. This game will probably take you 12 hours or more to complete.

Id only really recommend this game for absolute fans of the franchise which let’s be honest if you are reading this review and buying this game I can’t imagine you are a new comer if so what the hell are you doing here? go play the others first and come back lol

Overall: 5/10

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2023
