Resident Evil 4 is considered one of the most innovative, influential and popular survival horror games on the market. The fact they skipped Code Veronica and made a remake of RE4 especially after getting a spiritual successor to 4 that being RE8 Village speaks volumes on how popular this game is. If you like horror games or resident evil there's a good chance you've played this game before but if not, then you are probably wondering what all the hype is about. I’ll be honest I wasn't going to review this game because so many people have, and I feel my opinion would be biased considering this was my first M rated game and first horror game I played when I was 11 years old on the ps2 and game cube, sometime after I got it on the Wii. So, I'm going to do my best to ripe away that nostalgia lens and be honest about this game.

Gameplay: RE4 has been ported to basically every console following its original release on game cube, and I've played pretty much every version of this game that exists except the Nintendo switch version so as you can imagine it has gone through a lot of changes since the Game Cube release. The original game did not include Separate ways and some of the costumes and weapons this version has. So, if you've never played before this is one of the better versions to play it on. This game drastically changed up the gameplay from the previous games. It added the 3rd person camera angle, a customizable inventory, The enemies are now Parasite controlled people and no longer mindless zombies. So, if you've only played the originals or started with RE5 and skipped this one, think more like re5 but more clunky and slower paced. This game still has a lot of puzzles like the previous games but this game includes a money system and has findable treasures you sell to a merchant. So overall a lot of changes but if you are used to the newer games its very similar to RE5 and RE Village. This game is basically those game’s dad. This game also has a bunch of separate game modes aside from the base game. It comes with Assignment Ada which was in the original along with the very popular Mercenaries mode, but this game also includes Separate Ways which was a fun additional game mode to explain Ada's side of the story.

Graphics, Music/ Voice Acting: The graphics honestly still hold up pretty well. Compared to the likes of the Remake they aren't amazing, but they were good enough that I along with many others were surprised this game ever even got a remake, this version still stands well on its own feet. The music in this game is probably some of my favorite in the series. It fits the vibes very well and feels very unsettling at times. The save room music is actually a snip from the Devil May Cry 1 Main theme which is pretty cool (Probably because DMC 1 was originally a version of RE4). The voice acting in this game isn't bad, but the dialogue still holds strong to the cheesy one liners. It's a fun break of comedy in this horror game and I only hope it’s somewhat still present in the RE4 Remake.

Story/ no major spoilers: Much like the other drastic changes to gameplay the story is very different in this game as well. Starting a new chapter or phase in this series. RE4s story abandons the Umbrella storyline and starts a new one 6 years later. Leon Kennedy from RE2 is now a government agent and is looking for the president’s missing daughter in a very rural part of Spain. She was taken by a religious cult group that uses Parasites to infect the minds of its followers and control them. Ada does play a Role in this game and there is a small Wesker Cameo. Overall, the story is a bit predictable but it’s definitely scary. Like all the previous games each act is split into 3 areas: Village, Castle, Island. The Island section is probably the weakest part of the game and most unliked as it falls heavy into the action and less horror aspect of survival horror. There are a few very scary enemies and areas, I personally found the Chainsaw Ganado's and the Regenerators some of the scariest. This game also doesn't hold back on the gore, there is a lot of dismemberment, also this game has a boat load of content and is one of the longest games in the series coming in at 15-16 hours long and thats not counting side content. So, is this game Scary? I’d definitely say so, is it fun to play? once you get used to the controls yes. Is it a perfect amazing horror game? No, it has a lot of flaws but for the innovation it gave at the time I see why it has been hailed at such a height. I still have to say it is a great game and experience and I can’t recommend this game enough. A lot of people I know who played this game couldn't believe this was getting a remake because re4,5 and 6 all feel like they still hold up and don't need one. So, to answer the question is it the best in the series? Well probably in the top 5 for most people.

Overall: 9/10

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2023
