Decent but forgettable spin off

This Remaster is a spin off that was ported from a handheld to console along with a bunch of pre-game trailers and documentaries on the making of this game and AC3. Now I won’t be as harsh as I want to be on this game but Liberation kinda sucks. Gameplay wise it plays like 3 for the most part and follows a very forgettable story and cast of characters. Aveline is an assassin in colonial New Orleans, and you follow her story. There honestly isn't much to say about this game so I'm not going to give this game a full review like I usually do, let’s be honest you are here because you bought the remastered bundle for AC3, not this game. This game has a new feature of changing personas (like she's Superman or something) where she goes into changing rooms and can switch between her dressy civilian outfit, slave outfit, and Assassin outfit. Aside for when I'm prompted to, I hardly used this system at all, it just makes sense to use the assassin one most of the time because it’s the best one. This game had a bunch of weird collectibles and unlockables I didn't understand and the money system in this game is super unbalanced. There is a naval trading system in this game, and I think you are expected to get money and stuff you need from that, but I just didn't get it and found it boring, the maps in this game suck too, especially the Bayou map and the story is crazy predictable with a predictable twist. There is no modern-day story, but you see different versions of cutscenes cuz this game plays into the Black Flag idea Ubstergo is selling these stories as video games... anyways yeah so there's that. There highlight of this game is that this remaster included a DLC mission that was originally exclusive to PS3 that has a Connor Kenway AI Co-op partner Follow you around for the mission. Which doesn't happen until almost the very end of the game and wasn't super worth it. This game also glitched out on me a lot and crashed a bunch as well.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023
